The World War II Book Challenge
The New Year brings the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II–a fitting moment to learn more about the war, its causes, and its legacy. And we seem to need it. Too many people know too little about the most significant event of the 20th century, an event that still shapes our world. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation found that six in ten Americans don’t know which countries the U.S. fought during World War II.
So I’d like to offer a challenge. Let’s call it an easy New Year’s resolution: During 2020, read at least two books about World War II. They could be anything–a historical novel, a nonfiction book, or a veteran’s memoir. Naturally, I would like for one of them to be my novel Silver Wings, Iron Cross, coming on May 26. But the larger point is to read something. And I’ll bet that once you get started, you won’t stop with just two books.
My own reading will begin with a classic: The Winds of War, by Herman Wouk. I’ll probably follow up with its sequel, War and Remembrance. If you join me in this #WWIIBookChallenge, please check in with me on social media. I’d love to hear what you’re reading. Perhaps we’ll exchange suggestions on what else to read.
We owe much to the Greatest Generation. And the best way to honor the Greatest Generation is to know what they did.
Can’t imagine anything better than The Winds of War (and of course it’s sequel). But allow me to throw a more recent novel into the mix of really great WWII reads, this one set in the Pacific: Pete Deutermann’s Pacific Glory. It’s an outstanding epic.
Thanks, Buzz. I’ll look for that. Also looking forward to OREGON GRINDER.