Air Force Birthday!
Thanks to Kim in Hawaii for the kind words on her blog about THE MULLAH’S STORM: http://sosaloha.blogspot.com/2010/09/celebrating-air-force-legacy-thomas-w.html As she quite rightly notes, we’re coming up on the birthday of the Air Force. Fly, Fight, and Win! Meanwhile, here’s a photo of me with some dear old friends from my Associated Press days, taken at last…
Read MoreSeven Things I’ve Learned About Writing
In a guest column for the Guide to Literary Agents blog, I offered a few thoughts on writing fiction. It’s at: http://www.guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog/
Read MoreInterview on Northeast Public Radio
Here’s audio from this week’s interview on Northeast Public Radio. Thanks to Joe Donahue, host of “The Roundtable.” http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/wamc/news.newsmain/article/231/0/1698621/The.Roundtable/Thomas.W..Young.-.The.Mullah’s.Storm
Read MoreInterview at National Review Online
I had the terrific opportunity to discuss THE MULLAH’S STORM and the situation in Afghanistan in a podcast for National Review Online. It came as part of John J. Miller’s “Between the Covers” author interviews. By the way, John’s historical novel, THE FIRST ASSASSIN, comes out in a new edition on Sept. 14. Meanwhile, if…
Read MoreTalk Radio
In what seems like another life now, I used to work as a radio newscaster. So, radio is a medium that’s near and dear to my heart. And I thoroughly enjoyed my appearance on “The Jim Bohannon Show” on Wednesday night, August 25. Here’s a link to Jim’s website, which includes podcasts of prior shows:…
Read MoreThrillers as Literature
Kudos to Newsweek’s Jon Meacham for his essay on how thrillers and mysteries should get more respect as literature: http://www.newsweek.com/2010/08/01/mysteries-thrillers-and-the-verities-of-the-heart.html Much of the literature we now consider classic was the popular fiction, drama, or poetry of its day. Dickens and Twain were commercial authors. Shakespeare wrote to fill theater seats. Robert Frost appears in many…
Read MoreThank you for visiting!
Hello, and thank you for your interest in my books and website. Back when I flew as an airline pilot, we used to tell the passengers, “We know you have a choice in air travel, so we thank you for flying with us.” Same here. You have only so much time for reading, and I’m…
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