Thank you for visiting!

Hello, and thank you for your interest in my books and website.

Back when I flew as an airline pilot, we used to tell the passengers, “We know you have a choice in air travel, so we thank you for flying with us.”  Same here.  You have only so much time for reading, and I’m honored by the time you spend with my characters.  I hope the story in The Mullah’s Storm illustrates some larger truths about the modern military and the wars it fights, and puts you side by side with the kinds of people currently serving in the forbidding terrain of Afghanistan.

From time to time, I’ll check in with you on this blog to talk about events related to the book, the next upcoming novel, or perhaps anything else that might be happening.  I continue to fly with the Air National Guard, and I hope you’ll understand if I limit my comments to the scope of my pay grade.  It’s not my place to say, “This general is right about this, and that general is wrong about that.”  My blog, like my books, will come from the point of view of an individual serviceman.

If you’re a civilian, many thanks for your support.  If you’re military, thanks for your service, be careful out there, and perhaps I’ll see you on a mission somewhere.

I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Best wishes,



  1. Laurel F. on May 3, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    Your website looks great, Tom. Can’t wait to make a little time to read Chapter 1 and then the entire book. Keep ’em coming!!

  2. Joe Phiz on August 1, 2010 at 6:05 am

    Saw your editorial on anti-islamic sentiment – I agree with you. One nit though, 9/11 was not the “worst attack on American soil” in terms of casualties. 7,000 Americans died at Gettysburg.

  3. Thomas W. Young on August 5, 2010 at 9:46 am

    Hi, Joe,
    Thanks for your thoughts. I don’t think a wave of anti-Islamic sentiment is sweeping the country. In fact, I believe, on the whole, we’ve been pretty good about distinguishing the bad guys from everyone else. The point of my op-ed piece was that my positive experience in Bangladesh years ago helps me keep that proper perspective.

  4. Raymond James on September 27, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    Another great book, Tom. Your mom and dad mentioned at the Young reunion that it would be out in Sept. Well, we have both read it and enjoyed it very much. Keep up the great work.
    Raymond and Judy Young James
    Raleigh, N.C.

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